Search For Secret Shoppers' Jobs, etc.


Become A Mystery Shopper - Mystery Shoppers' Jobs

Become a mystery shopper. Is it all it's been cracked up to be? Find out for free!


Chris James, Editor

Mystery Shopper's Jobs


Football Shops


How To Become A Secret Shopper

Did you know that secret shopping is another word for mystery shopping?

A question I was asked many ions ago was, "Why do you shop so much? Gee, you don't have that much stuff. Where do you put it all? You must have a gigantic closet!"

In reality, I'm not much of a shopper, at least not the kind where you don't get paid! You see, the thing is, unbeknownst to this chap, I was actually getting paid to shop. I was being reimbursed for my purchases. Granted, much of the time I was consuming what I bought (food, drinks, ice cream, donuts) so I had no use for a large closet.

And, while I'm not much of a fan for shopping, per se, what got me to become a secret shopper was the fact that most times I was simply "visiting" a place, rather than shopping.

What's more, I was being compensated to do things I otherwise have to do but never got paid for. In addition, I was reimbursed for such expenditures.

So, how do you get in on this? I will show you how to become a secret shopper via this scroll. You'll learn of a bevy of neat things for secret shoppers, jobs included!

So, please stay tuned!

Happy shopping!

Chris James, Editor
How To Become A Secret Shopper

$95 Senior Housing Mystery Shops - KS, MD

Getting Paid For Surveys

The Price of Doing Paid Surveys
There are various benefits you can get from doing paid surveys. This is a new trend in the modern world in which anyone can be benefiting from. The entire process of these paid surveys is very simple.


Get Paid To Shop

It's true.
You can get paid to shop.
Now, some people worry that it is a scam.
No. It's not a scam. The scam is when people make huge estimates of what you will make as a mystery shopper. Or, charge an arm and a leg for a list of expired links, spam sites and such.

The scam is NOT the industry but the ESTIMATOR making wild claims.
I make no wild claims about how much you'll make as a mystery shopper.
The pay varies widely. For one thing, it depends on how often you do it. That is a function, among other things, of how many mystery shopping companies you sign up with.
It also depends on where you live! If you live in a remote rural area, unless willing to travel, it will be hard to make a buck.
Of course, you can be paid to venture out of your domicile and stay at hotels, eat out - and be reimbursed for gas, mileage and lodging costs.
However, you are not always pay in CASH. Sometimes they just reimburse your expenses. But, hey, that's fine since it's basically paying you because you would otherwise have incurred that cost. For example, say you are in need of a hair cut. Well, it so happens that you can be paid to "shop" hair salons. This is where you go in as a regular customer and get a hair cut. So, rather than shell out, what, $20 for a cut, you can have the mystery shopping company cover your new "do".
I run a mystery shopping (and paid survey) newsletter, which is free. In it you'll find a few links per issue to mystery shop and online survey companies. Why only a few links per issue? I have discovered through research that that is the optimal amount to ensure people stay with it, and don't burn out.
And, in one sitting, most people don't want to join tons of companies; they prefer to have them staggered over time.
So, if you are seeking mystery shopping jobs (or online surveys), please click the link below and simply add your name (or nickname) and email address into the subscription form.
It's a good idea to list your PRIME email address to ensure that you receive all the invitations promptly.
We respect your privacy. You won't be spammed, I can assure you.
Best wishes on your shops!
Chris James, Editor
Mystery Shopping & Paid Surveys Ezine